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To get the 2020 season off to a cracking start I'll be running a pop up at the beautiful Llareggub Beach House in Saundersfoot, overlooking the harbour. This is a celebration of St David and will run over the entire week from February 29th to the 8th of March 2020. The venue can accommodate 6 people staying, and the dining experience itself will cater for up to 12.
There are 3 options, with further detail described below
Option 1: Foraging, dining experience, bed and breakfast. £100 per person
Option 2: Foraging, dining experience. £65 per person.
Option 3: Dining Experience only. £50 per person.
Foraging and dining experiences can cater for a maximum of 12 people. Overnight accommodation for those wanting to take Option 1 is available for up to 6 people.
The meeting time for the foraging will be from around 10 am to 11 am we then take a break from 3 pm to 4 pm. Foraging will cover hedgerow, estuary and foreshore. For more details on what to expect to see the foraging section of the website or get in contact.
Dining: Dinner will be served from 7 pm to 9.30 p.m. As always, my work will focus on the best of Pembrokeshire produce. Set in the wonderful ambience of Llareggub, the dining experience is set to be pretty special. The anticipated menu is as follows
Bread and butter
Wild garlic and herbs
A taste of the sea – Two separate dishes
1 – Seaweed broth, Kelp emulsification, Pepper Dulse, Scurvy grass
2 – Cured St Brides bay prawns, Sea Campion – Alexander’s, Sea radish
Hogweed and Goats cheese mousse
Grains - Rye grains cooked in lamb stock
Shin of Carn Edward beef, Hedgerow plants, Sorrel and Shin juices
Slow-cooked Leg of Lamb, Hedgerow plants, sorrel, lamb juices and gorse flower cream
Birch mousse, Primrose, Wood sorrel, Ground elder twigs, Lime tree leaves
Crab apple
Welsh cakes, Butter and Chamomile tea sweetened with honey.
Please note * The above dishes are subject to change depending on availability. Foraging isn't like a supermarket trip!
The Venue:
A Dylan Thomas-inspired, an upside-down house in the coastal village of Saundersfoot, with stunning Atlantic Ocean views from every room.
Cool, contemporary, and impossibly scenic, Llareggub is the perfect coastal escape for a romantic couple looking for a getaway, or a larger group/family seeking an enviably located seaside retreat.
For starters, the house's location in Saundersfoot means you can take in all the amazing beauty of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, with windswept strolls and peaceful dog walks along the uncrowded coastal path. Not to mention incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean right from the house itself, which you can take in from each of the living rooms.
There's a lot of love and care to be found at Llareggub (which spells ‘bugger all' backwards, in affectionate homage to writer Dylan Thomas's fictional village in Under Milk Wood).
Owners David and Anjana have worked tirelessly to ensure the house - a beloved family bolthole for many years - has been properly renovated and restored to its most comforting and scenic effects.
This is going to be a wonderful experience and a superb start to 2020 for me. Why not be part of it and get your 2020 off to a great start too.
To discuss further or to go ahead and book in please contact me below
Telephone – 07308313107
Or direct to Anjana and David Devoy
Telephone - Anjana - 07951957067 David - 07734840490
Email - bookings@chillderness.co.uk
‘Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.’
‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’
'Do the little things in life'
St David - c. 500 – c. 589.
As always thanks for reading and stay posted.